GIF-y Love! | Announcement!

Originally posted on Quirky Pages:
Hey Pals!! So um…😅 I don’t know how to break this to y’all 😬. So basically, you all might know of our weekly tag “GIF-y Love”. (“Our” as in started by Tiction and me). So we are…*dramatic gulping* turing it from a weekly tag to just a, well a– tag.…

The Bookish Snob Tag!!! | My First Time Being Tagged!

Ciao, people, Ciao! So I’m overly happy and excited today, why, you may ask? Ah, let me help you. Because (drumroll, please!) I GOT TAGGED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A BOOK TAG! Woohoo! The tag is THE BOOKISH SNOB TAG! I was tagged by Riddhi @whisperingstories—Thanks, girl! You’re a peach!—Check. Her. Blog. Out, People!Continue reading “The Bookish Snob Tag!!! | My First Time Being Tagged!”

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